What We Do for You…
Consider all the Entities Consistently Evaluated, Reviewed, and Graded…
– Healthcare Providers of all types are inspected by the Joint Commission (JCAHO) to ensure safe and effective care delivery.
– Patients complete rating Providers on the level of patient care experienced, workflow process steps that occurred, etc.
– Physicians are evaluated publicly on sites like Healthgrades and Yelp – to include what their behavior temperament was like.
– The FDA analyzes medical devices and software programs used in Healthcare to ensure patient/procedure safety and efficacy.
– As Employees, we’re all evaluated annually on our performance, personal conduct, and quality of work done in our jobs.
Who’s Missing?
YOUR VENDORS! Whom you rely upon (and pay) SO heavily – are rarely evaluated on how they perform for you. Why is that??
We’re not talking about one-time “Initial Quality” surveys conducted right after the sale.
Those that merely ask a few questions on if you’d recommend the product/service to others.
(Typically asked before you’ve even had enough time with it…not by accident by the way!)
We’re talking about tailor-made KPI evaluations based on topics most important to you.
Clinical/Operational/Financial KPI’s such as device reliability, response time, supply availability/delivery, billing, etc.
We create them for each vendor, evaluate their performance with you, then conduct 1:1 Reviews directly with them.
Our Process…
Steps We Perform – On Your Behalf – Directly with Them.
1. Vendor Performance Evaluations = GPA Grades Earned. (Ideally 2-3 times p/yr.)
2. Impactful QBR Session Management. (Agendas and Topics You need addressed. NOT Sales Pitch’s!)
3. Top Vendor Performance Competition. (When they compete, you win!)
Step 1:
Performance Evaluations = GPA’s Earned
Like a Parent-Teachers Conference Review of a student’s performance.
– You are the Teacher: You determine the grades your Vendors have earned. (At least 2-3 times a year)
– We are the Parents: We work directly with your “Students” to review grades and your feedback.
– Vendors are the Students: They’ll learn what’s going well, not so well, and how to prevent flunking.
1. We work with you upfront creating KPI-based evaluations tailored for each core vendor.
– Objective & Subjective tools to capture all aspects of their performance and improvement needs.
2. We conduct the Evaluation Sessions with your chosen staff to grade each core vendor.
– These are done by brief phone sessions or surveys emailed to your team. (At least 2-3 times p/yr.)
3. We administer the Performance Reviews directly with your selected vendors.
– It’s important work, plus there’s value and time-savings having a 3rd party partner cover the good, bad, and ugly.
– Establishes historical evidence when needing to pursue contract termination from breach of performance situations.
4. Grades are based on a 4.0 Alphanumeric GPA and documented in their VendorScorecard.
– Each Review Period GPA accumulates to a Full-Year VendorGrade to drive Continuous Improvement.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” – Aristotle
We can create surveys your vendors complete to identify how your organization can improve.
– It’s easy to think, “We are the customer…who cares what we can do better!“ (But you don’t know what you don’t know…potentially blinding you to Win-Win collaboration scenarios not previously discovered.)
Step 2:
QBR Session Management
“The biggest problem with communication is the illusion it has taken place.” – George B. Shaw
*Relationship Killer*
The inability for parties to convey and receive info to the degree both are undeniably aligned.
– Transparent two-way dialog is paramount to ANY healthy and successful relationship.
– Especially in business where each party is inherently focused on their own Goals & Objectives. (But lack of understanding, assumptions, and hasty uneducated decisions create high-cost/high-risk errors.)
Do Your QBR Meetings have these BAD Habits:
– Vendors often hijack the meeting, turning them into Sales Pitch Sessions?
– Not well prepared for? Not well attended (by either party)? Not a beneficial use of your time?
– Too much time spent reviewing “Action Items” from the last meeting…that still haven’t been done?
– Not conducted consistently enough with Core Vendors? (Scheduling them can be half the battle.)
It’s easy to dismiss the value of QBR’s, but they’re really important. (Endless email chains don’t suffice!)
Better Communication = Better Engagement = Better Outcomes!
1. We’ll save you the Time & Hassle scheduling the sessions throughout the year.
– They don’t need to be every quarter as “QBR” implies, but consistency is key. (2-3 p/yr.)
2. We work with you to create meaningful Agenda Topics you want…and don’t want!
– Great sessions occur with agendas made in advance for current projects, problems needing addressed, etc.
3. We help ensure the “Important Action Items” are actually completed.
– How frustrating is it having to send reminders asking people to do what they said they’d do!?
*Already conduct QBR Sessions? Great…let us help improve them while also saving you a TON of time!
Step 3:
Top Vendor Performance Competition
Competition + Recognition = Results
When They Compete – You Win!
If you make a BIG deal of it, they’ll make a BIG deal working hard to win it!
Fostering an open competition and reward recognition program WILL result in higher performance all around.
(There may be “Vendor Winners”, but your organization will be the BIG beneficiary.)
1. We create VendorRank ratings based on each vendor’s Accumulated GPA’s during the year.
– This is impactful given that Vendors and their Rep’s are inherently highly competitive.
– It’s human nature to thrive in healthy competitions. Why do you think vendors have internal contests?
2. We create and manage the Competition Categories you’d like to provide awards for.
–Category Examples: Top GPA Winner, Segment Winners, Size A-B-C, Most Improved, etc.
3. We’ll drive Continuous Improvement with Transparent Reporting Of All – To All!
–Best Practice: After each Review Period, we send a VendorRank status report to ALL vendors.
– This transparency results in better results all around by illustrating performance amongst each other.
Have fun with the contest and praise the winners for their results. It’s in YOUR best interest!